Register and become a member to receive store credit of USD 9. Get 1 membership point for every USD 1.5 spent. All store credit / membership points have no expiry date and can be used on non-discounted products. Your membership status to enjoy discounts will be automatically renewed if the renewal conditions are met. The 3 tiers of membership rewards are only eligible under the same account name. Sheer Arctic reserves the right to modify any of the terms.
New Member: Become a member and receive store credit of USD 9. Spend over USD 37 on non-discounted products and use store credit of USD 3. Receive additional store credit of USD 1.50 for every single purchase over USD 93 or equivalent .
Tier One Member:
Upgrade and become a Tier One Member for any accumulative purchases over USD 304 in 12 months, and maintain your status if you continue to purchase over USD 304 or equivalent during the period.
2) Receive store credit of USD 3 on your birthday
3) Receive additional store credit of USD 3 for every single purchase over USD 93 or equivalent.
5) New arrival newsletter
VIP Member:
Upgrade and become a VIP Member for any accumulative purchases over USD 912 or equivalent in 12 months, and maintain your VIP status if you continue to purchase over USD 912 or equivalent during the period.
2) Receive store credit of USD 4.5 or equivalent on your birthday
3) Receive additional store credit of USD 4.50 for every single purchase over USD 93 or equivalent.
5) New arrival newsletter
SVIP Member:
Upgrade and become a SVIP Member for any accumulative purchases over USD 1520 or equivalent in 12 months, and maintain your SVIP status if you continue to purchase over USD 1520 or equivalent during the period.
1) Receive 12% off on non-discounted products
2) Receive store credit of USD 6 or equivalent on your birthday
3) Receive additional store credit of USD 6 for every single purchase over USD 93 or equivalent.
5) New arrival newsletter
How to earn store credit & membership points? ( 1 point = 3 cents)
1) Register as a member and receive store credit of USD 9.
2) Each newly referred member places his/her first order with no limited amount, you receive store credit of USD 3 per referral.
3) Leave a five-star product review on our official website or FB or IG fan page and receive 10 points.